Newark Cultural Arts Center Store
Our comfortable lounge welcomes you to come in and craft!
Our Store closed Sunday July 16, 2023 and is relocating to 195 Main St., Owego, NY. We’ll post updated information on the new Store and Weaving Studio as soon as we’re up and running.
Our Newark, OH location opened in September 2021 creating an inviting fiber store, art gallery, and classroom space. We offer classes in knitting, crochet, spinning, weaving, and macrame’ at this location. For those of you wishing to find a quiet place to catch up with friends while knitting, crocheting, or spinning, we have a comfortable lounge area for you to relax in. Follow us on Instagram @gorgesfiber and Facebook @newarkculturalartscenterstore for updates on our products and classes. Is there something you’d love for us to carry? Send us a message and we’ll do our best to search it out for you.
We carry breed specific spinning fiber, dyed combed top, and knitting, crochet, and weaving yarns, as well as used Spinning Wheels and Weaving Looms (both floor and table). We currently stock the following brands, with more being added almost every month:
Barber Cord
Brown Sheep Company
Echoview Fiber Farm
Eric and Christopher (printed canvas project bags)
Firefly Notes notions tins
Gist Yarn (yarn and totes)
Greenleaves Angoras yarn
Istex Lopi
Jagger Spun
Knitters Pride
Peace Fleece
Terravita Farms
Three Irish Girls
Tuft Woolens soaps for finished objects and the body