Pottery Classes with Markgraf Clayworks at the NCAC

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Pottery Classes with Markgraf Clayworks at the NCAC


We’re excited to partner with Markgraf Clayworks at the NCAC! Click the link to sign up for classes through their site: Markgraf Clayworks

Markgraf Clayworks is now located on the 3rd floor of the NCAC. You’ll find a spacious full-service professional ceramics studio where you can begin and finish your projects all in one convenient location. From wheels, hand building, slips, glazes, and firing….. you can do it all at at the NCAC with Markgraf Clayworks. Signups for their classes is through their website by clicking this link: Markgraf Clayworks

(Do not click “Add to Cart” here, use the Markgraf Clayworks link for their site)

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